Super Foods

There is a vital link between how we nourish our bodies and how we heal, recover from injury and even what diseases we contract over our lifetime. Certain foods can prevent disease, and other foods can strengthen our body systems or even bolster up our immune system against infection. Think of food as not only fuel for our brain and muscles but also the fuel that recharges or kick starts our immune system and heart. The nutrients contained in the food we eat are needed by the cells of our bodies in order for the cells to perform tasks assigned to it by the unique design of our body.

When our cells lack the proper nutrients they will not function, perform poorly or stop functioning altogether. The action or lack of action that results from poor nutrition can some times cause disease and also make the recovery period longer than it should be.

Eating so-called superfoods or simply using nutritious, natural foods as medicine is an increasingly popular way to deal with the health challenges of the modern world. The popularity of natural health foods and supplements are a testament to peoples desire to heal themselves through prevention as well as cure.

For more information see The Ultimate Healthy How-To Cooking Guides for Flexitarians


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